Lanes are terms for
Dying white Broke Lan
Elit Stoyas who like
Segregation police
How deluded are
You when to strive
Equals followers
And boring capital
Capital is a consumer
Yet dying currency
Differently wrong
Rose Knapp is a poet, producer, and multimedia artist. She has publications in Lotus-Eater, Bombay Gin, BlazeVOX, Hotel Amerika, Gargoyle, and others. She has a chapbook with Hesterglock Press and a collection forthcoming with Dostoyevsky Wannabe. She lives in Los Angeles. Her work can be found at and she tweets @Rose_Siyaniye.
ISSUE FIFTEEN: Lastly, My Seer
Michael Albright
Because of your problem,
do you often feel others
have no idea what you are going through?
Emily Rosello Mercurio
Sunny Honey
Rose Knapp
Rachel Mindell
Life as we know it
Kathleen E. Krause
Digging Digits
Kristie Betts Letter
Montana Wildhack Read Aloud
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Daniel Romo
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Vrenios
See Saw Margery Daw
Nate Maxson
Patient Zero
Alec Hershman
The Point of Vanishing