ISSUE FOURTEEN: La Mer Systyle | next poem →

Inside the Roche Limit

Terry Wright

Material in ambit disperses and forms
rings. Outside the deduced limit
matter amalgamates and makes
celestial bodies. Hold it together
moon man. Save room for leftovers
banding. The force will turn and turn again
particles grave and locked by gravity
and mass/density dependence.
N-body cares. Accrete away
impenetrable in your satellite wisdom
and sci-fi noir. You have rocks in your orbit        trap. Explode
void and blow up moonlets
for artistic and scientific sport. Bolts not
attractive gravitation keep cable beaming.

Terry Wright is a writer and artist who lives in Little Rock, Arkansas. He is the author of seven poetry books and chapbooks – most recently Fractal Cut-Ups. His writing has appeared in numerous venues including Lifted Brow, Slipstream, McSweeney’s, Sequoia, and Rolling Stone. More creative work can be found at his web site: ​

ISSUE FOURTEEN: La Mer Systyle | next poem →


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