ISSUE TWO: Sly Early Stem | next poem →

Our Interregnum

Paul Strohm

Our interregnum of compliant sensitivity
this puff pastry surrounded by jackals
a world of idea sculpture d'appartement
unconnected parsecs without a chatelaine
being led in a slow slog of a dance along
a corniche by a bunch of whooping apaches

We are engaged in a brutal kulturkampf
no prisoners taken no hopeful piece rose
most participants content with piccola morte
others satisfied with dialolgue des sourds
some compagnon de voyage shepherding
a detritus engaged in fruitless bouts rimes

A bag of fredaine displayed in shop windows
mimes all the world's homme serieux
now without salus populi surprema est lex
one attentat aux moeurs follows another
chacun a son gout is our esprit d'escalier
a hubris awaiting aut Caesar aut nihil

Paul Strohm is a freelance journalist working in Houston, Texas. He worked for the Austin Sun Newspaper during his college days. He was fired by the Angleton Times Newspaper for his humorous piece which recommended changing the national pastime from baseball to nose picking while driving. Writing has its drawbacks. His most recent poem 'Dimple Dell Davis' appears in

ISSUE TWO: Sly Early Stem | next poem →

ISSUE TWO: Sly Early Stem

Jude Marr

Bill Neumire
   Water Cycle #1: To Whom
       Shall I Return

   Water Cycle #3: I Thought
       There Would Be More

Laura Madeline Wiseman
   Or To Release Death

Magus Magnus
   Payload Dump (3 excerpts
       from drone: poetic monologue
       for monotone

Aimee A. Norton
   Apache Code Errors
   No Sin Like Arson

Katherine Swett
   Translations of an
   Algorithmic Love Poem

Amy Schreibman Walter
   Online Dating Inbox

Paul Strohm
   Our Interregnum

KJ Hannah Greenberg
   The Sanctity of Lists
   Assistance with Quickly
       Becoming Unbearable

Susan L. Lin
   When You Are Sleeping

Ana Maria Caballero
   Another Airport Poem

Ann Skiöld
   Emily Dickinson Did Not
       Drive A Car

Jeremy Dixon
   In Retail (xxii)

Pete Coco
   Especes Perdue

Jessica Joy Reveles
   Surviving the Desert