Welcome to the waking curve of when the spidering idle morning lights slung through curtains climb
your limbs’ meticulous, indivisible decline and freeze there. It’s science
to say origin tends toward extremities: begins and endings in apogee and utmost
plummet, spatial flare or trembling temporal. Arrival through departure and return, the fluidity of this
transition is the idea. The world abides by our desire’s scatter and flux only in
so far as the hospitality of its accidental architecture extends. Beyond here be dragons. We have
not yet begun to wait.
Travis Macdonald is the author of two books The O Mission Repo [vol. 1] (Fact-Simile) and N7ostradamus (BlazeVox) as well as several chapbooks, including: Basho¹s Phonebook (E-ratio), BAR/koans (Erg Arts), Sight And Sigh (Beard of Bees), Time (Stoked), Title Bout (Shadow Mountain), and Hoop Cores(Knives, Forks and Spoons). In his spare time, he edits Fact-Simile Editions (www.fact-simile.com) with his wife JenMarie.
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My Uncle at Nineteen
His Mother Writes
  the Warden, 1955
Jon-Michael Frank
Funny How Time Slips Away
Not Fade Away
Jacqueline Jules
Obsolete Angers
J. Bradley
Yelp Review:
  Planned Parenthood
of Greater Orlando
Yelp Review:
  The Milk Bar
Amy Schriebman Walter
Hope in a Yellow Dress
Miho Kinnas
Mark Povinelli
Notes I
Notes II
Kenneth Nichols
The Best Writers
 Bombed the SAT
John Patsynski
The Money Weapon
Aileen Bassis
Pellucid Musing
Travis Macdonald
When the Map's Crease
Becomes an Axis
  and Detaches
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Pyromanian I
Pyromanian II
Claire Scott
Harbor Lights
Elizabeth Kate Switaj
Poseidon's Canto