The photographer
plays in the background
The sounds not so
strangely familiar
Horror spoken far
too often
Actual Night
The principal
form of universal time
Rust become chrome
Hyperfine frequency
Mood equals current
I am suddenly required
to obtain a poetic license
Danger is my middle finger
John Patsynski : Capricorn in Denver. B.A from Shimer College (Chicago/Oxford). MFA from Naropa University (Boulder). Curates zyxt journal & press. Some chapbooks are Simple Machines, Chaotic Neutral, Pop Magic! Some poems have appeared in Thought Crime, Morkville, Shampoo Poetry. Once dropped acid with Bernadette Mayer. Thurston is my co-pilot cat. Helen’s hand is ever in mine. “Poetry for everyone.”
Kelly Nelson
My Uncle at Nineteen
His Mother Writes
  the Warden, 1955
Jon-Michael Frank
Funny How Time Slips Away
Not Fade Away
Jacqueline Jules
Obsolete Angers
J. Bradley
Yelp Review:
  Planned Parenthood
of Greater Orlando
Yelp Review:
  The Milk Bar
Amy Schriebman Walter
Hope in a Yellow Dress
Miho Kinnas
Mark Povinelli
Notes I
Notes II
Kenneth Nichols
The Best Writers
 Bombed the SAT
John Patsynski
The Money Weapon
Aileen Bassis
Pellucid Musing
Travis Macdonald
When the Map's Crease
Becomes an Axis
  and Detaches
Kris Hall
Pyromanian I
Pyromanian II
Claire Scott
Harbor Lights
Elizabeth Kate Switaj
Poseidon's Canto