A Retelling: Stings of insects and reptiles are more
severe at the full of the moon. Edited, Cora Daniels
and C.M. Stevans, Encyclopedia of Superstitions,
Folklore and the Occult Sciences of the World
Jar: mommy made tiny to love, Russian Folklore
Tacit: wasp in a wig, Lewis Carroll, omitted episode
from Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found
Reminiscent Coffee: Do frogs dream?, Peppermint is
peppery. Caroline Povinelli
Cadence of Gravity: ...tepees and telegraph poles,
shirt buttons..., Margalit Fox, Emmett L. Bennett
Jr., Expert on Ancient Script, Dies at 93, The New York
Note Crave: ... ever since Joads’ pig devoured Jacob’s
baby, John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
Motivation of Protest: Showers of frogs..., Charles
Fort, Lo!; A Conference of Birds, Farid ud-Din Attar, A
Conference of Birds
Armored: orderly angel-elephants, Edward R. Tufte,
Visual Explanation
Glass Bottom Boats: one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven,/All good children go to heaven, Edited,
Cora Daniels and C.M. Stevans, Encyclopedia of
Superstitions, Folklore and the Occult Sciences of the
Concerning Opinions: licensers’ of thought, John
Milton, Areopagitica: A Speech for the Liberty of
Unlicensed Printing
Chernobylite Experiment: What if the mass from
Vat room No. 4 found its way into 3-17. Edgar Rice
Burroughs, Synthetic Men of Mars
Stone Tablets: Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury,
Fahrenheit 451
Of Coincidence: A. Sphere, Joe Muatz, et al.,
Transmission Through an Arbitrary Aperture in a 3-D
Conducting Surface Enclosing Chiral Material, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; A. Sphere,
Edwin Abbot, Flatland
Imaginary Beings: Imaginary Beings, Jorge Luis
Borges, The Book of Imaginary Beings
Student of Carisolo: an eye for an eye or maybe one and
a half, Angelo Povinelli
Cats Play: pushmi-pulyu, Hugh Lofting, The Story of
Doctor Doolittle
Mark Povinelli was born in Buffalo, New York and grew up in Louisiana. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Houston and his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Syracuse University. He is the author of Hunting for Box Turtles, Disconnections, and Gram Water, an exploration of image as verse.
Kelly Nelson
My Uncle at Nineteen
His Mother Writes
  the Warden, 1955
Jon-Michael Frank
Funny How Time Slips Away
Not Fade Away
Jacqueline Jules
Obsolete Angers
J. Bradley
Yelp Review:
  Planned Parenthood
of Greater Orlando
Yelp Review:
  The Milk Bar
Amy Schriebman Walter
Hope in a Yellow Dress
Miho Kinnas
Mark Povinelli
Notes I
Notes II
Kenneth Nichols
The Best Writers
 Bombed the SAT
John Patsynski
The Money Weapon
Aileen Bassis
Pellucid Musing
Travis Macdonald
When the Map's Crease
Becomes an Axis
  and Detaches
Kris Hall
Pyromanian I
Pyromanian II
Claire Scott
Harbor Lights
Elizabeth Kate Switaj
Poseidon's Canto