She snarks amongst the cornflowers
And you take it like a real Marlboro Man; so righteous in your passion for passivity.
You traversed half-Earth’s hen and plucked back to her clucking castaway tongue; chuckling so you may nod about her nightly.
She suppressed her sour mood through sweet marigold mass, captured in the lens between her glasses. What beautiful, stunning display of gorgeous Earth’s glory she canvased— Then significance unfurled like a gargoyle slamming its grey face Onto odd cathedrals— Not a gypsy, but grizzled gargantuan fear, which birthed
A warranted response to run from your clacking thumb tips: Let’s.
Stepy Kamei is a freelance writer, actress, and comedienne living in Los Angeles. She holds a B.A. in Linguistics from San Francisco State University, and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Calamus Journal, Gyroscope Review, The Bookends Review, and Crab Fat Magazine. Tweet to her @stepykamei.
Jessie Janeshek
Watching Horror/Watching Harlow
Laura Filion
Growing Out
Timothy Berrigan
By Letting Rooms
Stepy Kamei
A Wolf Stalks Amongst Her Sunflowers
Alejandro Escudé
The Republic of WannaCry
F. Daniel Rzicznek
from Leafmold
Josh Silver
Kimberly Prijatel
assembly of god
Dawn Pink
Cotton Morning
Amanda Tumminaro
Evening Routine
Natalie Crick
Ocean Voice