under the radar
sotto voce leaf atoms
alphabetized proteins
each seed a letter
in lacy word soups
in vitro meat and coats
mapping and tagging
aesthetic homologies
merry meshes between
bubbles of space
subway solitude
dating at a distance
you with your flowers
rapid prototyping
bone wedding rings
dialogue boxes on apples
bees sussing breath
detecting pregnancies
object-bound scenarios
doll series exploring
spider gene in the goat
where babies come from today
gastric juice batteries
how I remember you now
paid forward, changed
Many of SoCal/Baja metroplex poet/artist Diane Gage's projects combine poetry with visual art, sometimes including collaboration, interaction and performance. Published in numerous journals, some of her poems are archived online at http://www.thanalonline.com/Issues/12/sppoet_en.htm, http://qarrtsiluni.com. Featured artist at http://bluevortextpublishers.wordpress.com/interviews/.
Jill Khoury
[posterior vitreous detachment]
Sonya Vatomsky
Mouth-Off (III)
The Serbo-Croatian language
uses the same word, čičak,
for burdock and Velcro
Kamden Hilliard
no baby but the poem is about you
Jessica Schouela
The Funeral
Chris Campanioni
Working Models
Sarah Ann Winn
Suburban Thaw
Rolling Acres Mall, Abandoned
Cynthia Conte
Number three star: Fast years
Diane Gage
Dear John (Cage)
John Lowther
a sonnet from 555
Rebecca Yates
What is "Emoji"?
Glen Armstrong
Marta Ferguson
The Nether as Pizza Parlor
September Hinkle
Surviving Charlie