ISSUE ONE: Trams Yell Yes! | next poem →

Reinvestment Order

Craig Kurtz

There was time, I checked
the spectrum & leased the
small print. Fill out required
w/ all reception. Grammar

There was return, incremental
& interim. When then was
identified, indemnification
dispersed. Italics went

There was exegetic logic,
replacement parts under oath.
Remittal contingent on terms
subject to locks. Insufficient

There was entification, then
proceedings. Memorizing
continuum & waiving
exemptions, I rehabilitated
my veto.

There was spectrum print
& continuum oath. Italics
subject to return w/ exegetic
locks. Entification

Craig Kurtz is an autistic 54-year old living at Twin Oaks Intentional Community where he writes poetry while simultaneously handcrafting hammocks. Recent work appears in BlazeVOX, decomP, Fat City Review, Harlequin Creature, IthacaLit, The Maynard, Otoliths, Petrichor Review, The Rampallian, Red Fez, Samzidat Literary Review & others.

ISSUE ONE: Trams Yell Yes! | next poem →

ISSUE ONE: Trams Yell Yes!

Craig Kurtz
    Index Denied
    Reinvestment Order

Erin Dorney
    This Is Not A Poem About
       Fast Food


Rose Swartz

Tim Kahl
    Plasma Globe

Alison McCabe
    I Watch Myself Loop

Dan Boehl
   excerpts from whatever
       from @emoemoji

Vanessa Couto Johnson

Valentina Cano
    Planned Remodeling

Ryan Napier
    Seasonal Affective Disorder

Terry Wolverton
    Sizzle and Chew

Gregory Crosby
    Satan's Skull Glows White Hot

Lea Galanter
    When Lost in the Woods

Jake Sheff
    Stasis in Ragtime

Angelica Poversky

Mercedes Lawry
    In Late November, There Are
       Days of False Clemency