I am obsessed
By white noise.
It’s normally Mormons
At our door.
On Saturday afternoon
The neighbors mow
In formation. Engines
Striking up: One.
Then one other.
Then more. Buzz
Droning like gnats
You can’t catch.
The kind hatched
Around the bananas
All gone bad
Before you can
Eat them. Once
I watched the
Woman next door
Pressure blast wash
An oil spot
On her driveway
For two hours.
Tammy Robacker won the 2015 Keystone Chapbook Prize for her manuscript, R. Her poetry book Villain Songs is forthcoming with ELJ Publications in 2016. Tammy published her first collection of poetry, The Vicissitudes, in 2009 (Pearle Publications). Tammy's poetry appears in Arsenic Lobster, Menacing Hedge, Chiron Review, VoiceCatcher, Duende, So to Speak, Crab Creek Review, WomenArts, and Up the Staircase Quarterly. Currently enrolled in the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA program in Creative Writing at Pacific Lutheran University, Tammy lives in Oregon. Visit www.tammyrobacker.com.
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