ISSUE NINE: Y'all Reset My S | next poem →


Tammy Robacker

Sexiness at this age
is a heavy log thrown
upon the big screen. It’s
digital ignition. Radiant
specter of desire. Bodies
like menu tabs. Click

me up here. Click
you down there.
Seduction reads
in LCD. Bedroom eye
of the dying ember.

Passion, an element
continuously looping
limbs to unmade sheets.
We are all yearning
furnaces. Wrapped hearts

around crossed moods
and bad knees. Love,
a four-cornered word.
A billion orange pixels
burning up HD flames.

Tammy Robacker won the 2015 Keystone Chapbook Prize for her manuscript, R. Her poetry book Villain Songs is forthcoming with ELJ Publications in 2016. Tammy published her first collection of poetry, The Vicissitudes, in 2009 (Pearle Publications). Tammy's poetry appears in Arsenic Lobster, Menacing Hedge, Chiron Review, VoiceCatcher, Duende, So to Speak, Crab Creek Review, WomenArts, and Up the Staircase Quarterly. Currently enrolled in the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA program in Creative Writing at Pacific Lutheran University, Tammy lives in Oregon. Visit

ISSUE NINE: Y'all Reset My S | next poem →

ISSUE NINE: Y'all Reset My S

Sarah B. Boyle
   Before You Look at the Plan,
     Ask Yourself

Farah Ghafoor
   my bird/my body
   Vapor Trail

Sarah Mitchell-Jackson

William James
   Deconstruction VI

Alejandro Escudé
   The Poet’s Ancient Cursor

Tammy Robacker
   My Husband Grows a Rose
     Hybrid with No Thorns

Janet Dale
   Affecting Phenomena

Raymund Reyes
   The Barker

Laura Carter
   from Good Horse

KJ Hannah Greenberg
   Politics, Like Sardines

Nancy Devine