the ocean's exhibition echos from beneath our mother's house
it crashes into placid atmospheres with shoals of silver sweep
schooling the ocean's stage
tucked-in to our chins we scuba divers dip out somehow as the
yellowtail surgeon forage through sunk bodies with stealthescopes
& dramatic monologues
o sweep us up in silver & yellow flashes
i press my ear against this theatre of the ocean i skim my film
over the deep surface & bring it away with visible cues that mark
the end of all blubbering show business
& the projectionist went home for the night so we clip clip clip
in spotty white noise less than split during the changeover my
ear is stretching into a collage of corpses
flat on the edge of your mermaid body to the fish i wonder are
we hovering between reels? i hope the ocean swallows us i might
become myself one part you
Madeline Vardell is an MFA candidate at New Mexico State University. She is the winner of the 2013 Kay Murphy prize in poetry, selected by Lara Glenum. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Bayou Magazine, [Pank], Rhino, and Whiskey Island. She lives in Mesilla, New Mexico.
Jesse Nissim
Entrance and Difference
There was a bit of dust
named Alana
Madeline Vardell
swept up in silver & yellow
An Imaginarian
Peter J. Greico
[1401 - 1500]
[11601 - 11700]
[16901 - 17000]
KJ Hannah Greenberg
Initially Thrilled to the Idea
of Memories
Douglas Luman
from Star/Formation
Vincent Toro
MicroGod Schism Song
Rage Hezekiah
Natalya Sukhonos
Laurel Radzieski
X and Y Axes of Charts
Made About T's Lover
(The Incident)
Jonathan Travelstead
Emily Strauss
White Night Terror
Les Kay
In the Basement of the Penal
Version 2.3,
Rimbaud Remembers