ISSUE EIGHT: Melty Slayers | next poem →


Rob Cook

The book, measured
in abandoned


asleep under
the weight of my factory-

find-nothing, gas permeable eyes,

each lens made for the fewest
blinks and a corrected
but still imaginary
view of others.

The beings
that populate my steep-sloped
corneas tell me

they are better able to inhabit
the shard plazas

where they take the minutes
apart and heal
the glare of what those afternoons
leave behind,

dark circles that collect
under the eyes like body bags,

and by road
or walkway
or drink-depth,
I recognize each high-beam
that swims and bends and stabs,

attacking my bloodshot snipers
at this level of existence,
where every face
in every car
slithers with shadows
decapitated in their unseen wars.

Rob Cook's latest book is The Undermining of the Democratic Club (Spuyten Duyvil). He has work in Up the Staircase Quarterly, Caliban, Verse, Borderlands, Mudfish, Zoland, Harvard Review, New Orleans Review, Carbon Culture Review, etc. He also had the dubious honor of being included in Best American Poetry 2009, possibly the worst volume in the entire series. If only he could be selected for inclusion in Best New Autoimmune Diseases, he would be over the moon.

ISSUE EIGHT: Melty Slayers | next poem →

ISSUE Eight: Melty Slayers

Laurin DeChae
   Snakes & Ladders
   It Will Be Alive

Jessie Janeshek
   Future Girls with Bikinis
     beneath Bruce Springsteen Tees

Samantha Duncan

Kenzie Allen
   According to Science

Jessy Randall
   Here comes a poor woman
      from baby-land

   Here comes an old woman,
     nimble namble

Ruben Rodriguez
   Because I’m Bad Ass and
      I Said So

Colleen Coyne

Rob Cook
   Unmarked Neural Pathways

Jon Riccio
   The Area Code for ESP

Jennifer MacBain-Stephens

Roger Williams
   Come Eleven

Matthew Johnstone
   Boatship: Port Layout Gossips

Daniel Schwartz

Amy Carlberg

   Embody the State of the World